Damiano 'neverqv1st' Lotti  id: 3360226
Game Value Created
To add or change your game IDs, find a tournament for that game by choosing a game on the games page. On the right side of the tournament you will see the tournament widget, where you can update your game ID.
Battle.net BattleTag (Global) nEVER#1908   2019-04-14 15:26:06
EA ID (PC) neverqv1st   2019-04-13 21:25:55
ESEA Account (IN DEVELOPMENT) 633978   2022-01-18 15:27:24
PokerTH Nickname nEVER1337J   2015-03-22 04:01:23
Steam Account neverqv1st   2019-12-11 22:59:54
VALORANT ID 完全分配#ffs   2020-07-25 22:28:20