airforce   id:  4087923
Name airforce
Shorthandle airforce
Registered since 01/05/09
IRC #esl.match  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Bulgaria
  4  Awards  
IRC #esl.match  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike 5on5 Spring League Stage 2
wins   (bye)  Tuesday, 25/05/10 14:00 0
wins   L.S.K  + 3 Monday, 24/05/10 14:00 12
wins   Shoot to Thrill  + 3 Sunday, 23/05/10 14:00 0
wins   ENRAGE  + 3 Saturday, 22/05/10 14:00 0
wins   Bback  + 3 Friday, 21/05/10 14:00 9
loss   RICOCHET  0 Thursday, 20/05/10 14:00 10
wins   E-FRAG.BG  + 3 Wednesday, 19/05/10 14:00 0
  Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Spring League 2010
wins   Anime Girl With a Deagle  + 3 Wednesday, 12/05/10 14:00 7
loss   headshotBG Cup  0 Tuesday, 11/05/10 14:00 9
wins   justkidding 5on5  + 3 Monday, 10/05/10 14:00 14