Bastard Hax 2on2  HaxBall  id:  5628183
Name Bastard Hax 2on2
Shorthandle bH
Registered since 29/01/11
Subteam of Bastard Hax
Headquarters  Italy
Area/Region Bari/Puglia
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Winter League 2010 HaxBall Winter Cup Finale
wins   Gruppo Intervento Speciale  + 2 Tuesday, 15/02/11 15:00 9
loss   TEAM DOMiiNATiiON  0 Tuesday, 15/02/11 14:00 4
wins   LOLPEZZIEDDU  + 1 Tuesday, 15/02/11 13:00 0
wins   DontWorryBeHappyCup!  + 1 Tuesday, 15/02/11 12:00 1
  Winter League 2010 HaxBall Winter Cup #4
loss   TEAM DOMiiNATiiON  0 Wednesday, 09/02/11 15:00 1
loss   Gennari iziuin  0 Wednesday, 09/02/11 14:00 4
wins   the Reason of the Hammer  + 2 Wednesday, 09/02/11 13:00 0
wins   (bye)  Wednesday, 09/02/11 12:00 0
  HaxBall 2on2 Ladder
loss   Scaruffi Boys  -17 Thursday, 03/02/11 16:00 3
loss   Verna Training Team  -25 Wednesday, 02/02/11 16:00 7