KBC BF3 Squad   id:  6560829
Name KBC BF3 Squad
Shorthandle [KBC]
Registered since 26/01/12
Homepage http://www.kbc-multigaming.de
Subteam of Killerbrigadeclan
Headquarters  Germany
Anfragen für Liga- oder Funwars bitte an badboy oder solaris stellen.
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5+ Ladder
loss   ESCROME.COM  -17 Sunday, 01/04/12 14:30 4
loss   Brothers of War  -20 Sunday, 01/04/12 13:00 2
loss   infernal  -20 Sunday, 25/03/12 14:00 3
loss   Hannover Allstars  -24 Wednesday, 14/03/12 14:50 2
loss   Graz inc  -25 Sunday, 11/03/12 15:15 4