You wont#  yoo  id:  6987275
Name You wont#
Shorthandle yoo
Registered since 29/06/12
Headquarters  European Union

beat us? weak up!

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  War Rock Open Ladder 2on2 CQC Europe
loss   Phineas and Ferb..  -7 Wednesday, 16/01/13 18:15 9
loss   sorry we are 2 good  -7 Monday, 14/01/13 13:00 8
wins   Phineas and Ferb..  -1 Saturday, 12/01/13 21:00 9
wins   Phineas and Ferb..  -4 Saturday, 12/01/13 19:30 8
wins   La Cappokj!  -1 Tuesday, 08/01/13 17:30 8
wins   Farmer Boys  -1 Friday, 04/01/13 20:00 14
wins   KINTOZ&BUEERKX  + 3 Friday, 04/01/13 09:15 10
wins   Quick Kill  0 Wednesday, 02/01/13 18:05 9
wins   BlackStars  -4 Tuesday, 01/01/13 12:00 10
wins   Mad Corp  0 Thursday, 27/12/12 12:30 13