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metz23  id: 3446973
Name Matthias 
Nick metz23
Member since 19/08/08
Age / Gender 41 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team Zwei sind nicht zu (s)Toppen
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Level & Awards
  7 Awards  
Counter-Strike: Source
TrackMania Nations Forever
Day of Defeat: Source
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Recent matches
  Germany FIFA 12 (PS3) 1on1 Ladder
win xeni  +32 Thursday, 15/12/11 16:00 0
win vom vintage verweht  +27 Thursday, 24/11/11 16:00 1
loss vom vintage verweht  -27 Thursday, 10/11/11 16:00 1
  Germany FIFA 11 (PS3) 1on1 Trusted Pro Cup
loss DarkGamer  0 Sunday, 31/07/11 14:00 0
loss M 9 N S T E R R R  0 Sunday, 31/07/11 14:00 0
win (bye)  Sunday, 31/07/11 14:00 0
  Germany FIFA 11 (PS3) 1on1 Sommercup 2011
loss 4486069  0 Sunday, 31/07/11 14:00 0
win 3991780  +2 Sunday, 24/07/11 14:00 0
win (bye)  Sunday, 17/07/11 14:00 0
loss 4818790  0 Sunday, 10/07/11 14:00 2
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