Contacts & Buddies
Sven 'Shorty' John  id: 806564
Name Sven John
Nick Shorty
Member since 17/05/04
Age / Gender 40 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Rettungssanitäter / Maschinenführer
Employer / University / School Bayrisches Rotes Kreuz / FV GmbH
Main team --
╔►Poker TH Country Championship 2012 Platz 2 Silbermedallie

╠►Nationalspieler Germany Poker TH

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Level & Awards
  18 Awards  
ICQ Games
Day of Defeat
CoD4 MW (PC)
MSN Games
Show all game levels
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  PokerTH 1on1 ESL Series
loss 7765980  -25 Sunday, 29/09/13 15:00 1
loss 5533340  -20 Sunday, 29/09/13 14:00 4
loss ash_R  -25 Sunday, 29/09/13 13:00
loss ash_R  -25 Sunday, 29/09/13 12:00
loss 7765980  -20 Thursday, 19/09/13 14:00 3
loss 4670095  -20 Wednesday, 18/09/13 14:00 5
loss 4670095  -20 Wednesday, 18/09/13 13:00 4
win 6214550  +24 Tuesday, 17/09/13 14:00 2
win 4670095  +25 Tuesday, 17/09/13 13:00 4
win 6214550  +25 Sunday, 15/09/13 14:00 2
Web Message
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