Christophe 'DKH' Tharin  id: 1009455
CPU Intel Core2Duo E8400 3Ghz
Videocard Nvidia Geforce 470GTX
Soundcard Creative
Storage Seagate 500GB
Motherboard Asus P5Q Pro Turbo
Display Samsung 2233rz
OS Windows 7 64-Bits
Antivirus MSE
Mouse Steelseries Xai
Mousepad Steelpad QCK+ SK
Keyboard Logitech G19
Headphones Logitech G35
Connection ADSL 10mo
Joypad Logitech DualPad
TV Toshiba 102cm
Sound system Logitech G51
Console(s) Nintendo Wii
Handheld(s) Qpad
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy S I9000
Drink Jus de pomme Ramseier
Food Emincé Curry
Movie Avatar
Music Michael Jackson
Song Nightwish - Dark Chest of Wonders
Book La Firme
Book author John Grisham
Person My Mother
Actor / Actress Will Smith
Car Lotus Elise
Sport Basket
Athlete Amare Stoudemire
Map de_inferno
Clan fnatic
Player f0rest
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Protoss
Console Wii
Clans: Megaballers (CS:GO) punchLine! (SC2)

SC2 code: DynastY#697

Past CS clans: Orig1nal, Wind of Change, maGma, eXtensive!, 3DMAX, Relapse!

Few advices:

~In every game, there's two kind of player: individualities & team-player, it's harder to be on the second group.
~Don't judge a player if you don't really know him.
~Be modest & simple.
~Play with right people.

=> Try to avoid the rest.