Jesus 'Uscita' Rodrigo  id: 1313035
CPU Intel core 2 6420 @ 2,13 & 2,14
RAM 2 modulos de 2 Gigas kingston ddr2
Videocard NVIDIA 9800 GT
Soundcard Integrada a la placa base
Storage 250 GB Seagate Sata 2
Motherboard Asus P5B
Display TFT 17"
OS windows xp/7
Antivirus Avast
CD/DVD Lector Grabador DVD LG
Mouse Razer DiamonBack
Mousepad Steelpad 4D
Keyboard Innobo Black
Headphones Creative HS-04 A
Connection ADSL 6 megas tele2
Joypad Logitech Precision
Console(s) Nintendo NES
Drink Whisky con lo que sea
Food Todo
Movie El señor de los anillos
Music Trance-tiesto
Song Fly on the wind
Book Un mundo feliz
Book author J.R. Tolkien
Person Mi padre
Actor / Actress Jolene Blalock
Car Peugeot 206
Sport Futbol
Athlete Iker Casillas
Map de_cpl_mill / de_tuscan
Clan NIP
Player Victor F. / Cogu
Game Hero The UnderTaker
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Humanos
Genre Femenino
Console PlayStation 3
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.oniria-gaming...
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4