E m B o  id: 6718243
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs),
Videocard MSI R6970 Lightning
Motherboard ASRock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3
Display 22"
OS Windows 7 Home Premium
Antivirus avast!
Mouse Logitech MX 518
Headphones Creative Fatality
Connection http://www.speedtest.net/result/2531744304.png
TV Finlux 32"
Console(s) Ps3
Handheld(s) Joint
Mobile Phone Iphone 4s
Drink Beer
Food Anything is good when you have the munchies
Movie Friday :3
Music Eat, Sleep, Rave :)
Song Ice Cube- It was a good day
Book Da fuk?
Book author Da fuk?
Actor / Actress Seth Rogen,Jonah Hill etc SO MANY
Car Mustang GT BABY
Map Everyone where you get owned.
Clan FinlandWR, always got my back.
Player embossible?
Game Hero embossible?
Genre Addict
Console Ps3 / Ps4