Electronic Sahara   id:  5390184
Name Electronic Sahara
Shorthandle eSahara
Registered since 18/10/10
Homepage http://www.esahara.net
IRC #eSahara  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  France
  1  Awards  
IRC #eSahara  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Intel Extreme Masters Season 6 World Championship Counter-Strike Groupstage
loss   paiN CS  0 Wednesday, 07/03/12 10:50 0
draws   Team WinFakt  + 1 Wednesday, 07/03/12 08:20 0
loss   fnaticRC  0 Wednesday, 07/03/12 07:00 1
loss   Lions eSportKlubb  0 Wednesday, 07/03/12 05:40 1
loss   Moscow Five  0 Wednesday, 07/03/12 04:20 1
  Counter-Strike Intel Extreme Masters World Championship 2012 Replacement Cup
draws   In Memory of Golden Five  + 1 Saturday, 11/02/12 13:00 0
wins   Team Hardware4u  + 3 Saturday, 11/02/12 08:00 10
  Counter-Strike uyR 5on5 NightCup v609
wins   The NetherlandZ  + 2 Sunday, 08/01/12 19:00 0
wins   Gunnars Sportstudio  + 2 Sunday, 08/01/12 17:00 1
wins   STYLERS.UNiTED  + 2 Sunday, 08/01/12 15:00 0