The Chaos Vanguard  CV Yuna Time  id:  8874123
Name The Chaos Vanguard
Shorthandle #YUNATIME
Registered since 27/01/15
Homepage http://forums.thechaosvanguard..
Headquarters  United Kingdom
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
loss   OCRANA  -23 Thursday, 19/02/15 15:47 2
wins   iN.memoRy Wolves  + 26 Tuesday, 10/02/15 15:30 2
loss   underestimated Gamers  -21 Friday, 06/02/15 16:31 1
loss   dachnachobenminusdachnachoben  -23 Friday, 06/02/15 16:00 1
wins   01.02.2015 22:24  + 24 Thursday, 05/02/15 16:10
draws   KillerInstincts  -1 Wednesday, 04/02/15 16:00
loss   OFF  -13 Monday, 02/02/15 16:00