Contacts & Buddies
Norman 'eXtectiX' Gading  id: 4019462
Name Norman Gading
Nick eXtectiX
Member since 06/04/09
Age / Gender 33 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team mojito eSports .moba
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  12 Awards  
MSN Games
League of Legends
CS Manager
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Recent matches
  Rocket League 1on1 Aerial Cup #37
loss 8443328  0 Tuesday, 28/06/16 13:00
  Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #4
loss 8082744  0 Sunday, 26/07/15 10:45
win 7474473  +2 Sunday, 26/07/15 10:00
  Hearthstone Tt eSports Spring Challenge 2015 Cup #13
loss 8318026  0 Sunday, 28/06/15 10:00 2
  Tt eSports Winter 2015 Challenge Cup #1
loss 8829867  0 Sunday, 04/01/15 11:00
win (bye)  Sunday, 04/01/15 10:00
  Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #17
loss FrederiqueVW  0 Sunday, 28/12/14 10:00 3
  Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #16
loss 8421806  0 Sunday, 21/12/14 10:00 0
  Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft IEM Poland 2nd Qualifier Cup
loss 8167956  0 Tuesday, 04/03/14 13:45
win (bye)  Tuesday, 04/03/14 13:00
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