gex0r  id: 638478
Player John 'cracken' Ide
EPS IX winner with plan-B


» Teams CS 1.0-1.6

WSOU We Shit On U
KfS Kungfu-style
BSt Bremer Stricktanten
VCH Virtual Combat Heroes
z3k z3k
eX-eSp eXtreme-eSports
GANA GamersNation
BHK Beverly Holz Killers
i-swat i-swat

» Teams CSS

ViP ViP-Gaming
Fanta 5 Fantastic Five
-/u/- unleashed
SWoS Sacred Warriors of Steel
PiC Pain is Coming
plan-B plan-B
uR Ultima Ratio
SFTO Stofftiere Online (Captain)
plan-B plan-B (Captain)
TKA They Kick Ass (Captain)

Team-Salzburg.CSS National Player

» Teams CSGO

just a pugger nowadays :)

Team-Salzburg.CSGO National Player

» Achievements CSS

ESL Pro Series

#1 Alpen EPS IX Finals with plan-B
#2 Alpen EPS Season IX with plan-B
#2 Alpen EPS VIII Finals with Ultima Ratio (offline)
#4 Alpen EPS Season VIII with Ultima Ratio
#5 Alpen EPS Season VII with plan-B

played EPS Germany Relegation with TKA (#3rd)
played EPS Italy Relegation with ViP-Gaming
qualified for EPS Alpen VII Relegation with GAMEFACE

ESL Major Series

#4 ESL Major Series VI Main Round Group D with plan-B
#5 ESL Major Series V Main Round Group B with Stofftiere Online

Alpenscene Premiership

#3 Alpenscene Premiership Finals I with Stofftiere Online (offline)
#3 Alpenscene Premiership Season I with Stofftiere Online

ESL Amateur Series

#1 Alpen EAS 5on5 1. Division with PiC
#1 Alpen EAS 5on5 1. Division with GAMEFACE
#1 EAS Italy 5on5 1. Division with ViP-Gaming
#1 EAS Germany 1. Division with TKA


#1 CS:GO Cups 5on5 Weekend Cups #06 with LANBOMBER (Mix)
#1 ESL Summer League 2009 5on5 Group C with Stofftiere Online
#1 ESL Summer League 2009 3on3 Group C with Stofftiere Online
#1 Alpen 2on2 Premiership Quali Cup #13 with H1T
#2 nur48stunden #29 5on5 Cup with Mix
#2 Alpen 2on2 Premiership Quali Cup #1 with H1T
#2 Alpen 2on2 Premiership Quali Cup #3 with H1T
#2 Alpen Nightcup 2on2 #3 with capitan
#2 Clanbase Opencup 2009 3rd Division with Ultima Ratio
#3 Alpen 2on2 Premiership Quali Cup #2 with H1T
#3/4 Esports Heaven Sapphire Challenge with plan-B (128 participants, lost at 1/2 finals 10:16 vs. Reason)
#4 Alpen Nightcup 2on2 Final with capitan


#1 International 5on5 Ladder with s1ckg4ming
#1 Alpen 2on2 Ladder with capitan
#1 Alpen EAS 1on1 1. Division
#1 Alpen AWP 1on1 Ladder
#3 International 2on2 Ladder with MnKr

Alpen Ländermeisterschaften
Player Season I & II, Captain since Season III

#1 ALM Season 2 Groupstage
#2 ALM Season 4 Groupstage
#3 ALM Season 1 Groupstage
#6 ALM Season 2 Playoffs
#7 ALM Season 4 Playoffs
#9 ALM Season 3 Groupstage


#1 nur48h #37 5on5 CSGO with Mix
#1 nur48h #24 2on2 with H1T
#1 BIGLan 2on2 with AIXI
#1/2 BIGLan 5on5 with Mix (Final cancelled)
#2 BIGLan 2on2 cs 1.6. with AIXI
#2 nur48h #29 2on2 cs 1.6 with capitan
#2 nur48h #31 2on2 with MnKr
#3 nur48h #31 5on5 with TKA (Defloss..)
#3 nur48h #29 2on2 with H1T
#3 Dagor 06 5on5 with Mix
#5 DoT 2009 5on5 with Mix
#5 nur48h #26 5on5 with Mix
#5 nur48h #28 5on5 with Mix
#5 Alpcon 2010 5on5 with plan-B (only austrian team which made it to the play offs, got eliminated by ALTERNATE)

Lans visited:

Dagor 06 22-24 Sep. 06 St. Pölten
with Salzburg.CSS Mixteam
nur48h #23 22-24 Feb. 08 Gleisdorf
with PiC.nation64
nur48h #24 27-29 Juni 08 Gleisdorf
with Mixteam
plan-B Bootcamp@Area 52 26-28 September 08 Wien
with plan-B
nur48h #26 27 Feb.-01 März 09 Gleisdorf
with Mixteam
Days of Thunder 2009 24-26 Juli 09 Ried
with Mixteam
NORTHCON 2009 18-20 Dezember 09 Neumünster
with Stofftiere Online + gu
nur48h #28 19.-21 Feb. 10 Gleisdorf
with Mixteam
Alpcon 2010 28.-30. May 10 Hall in Tirol
with plan-B
nur48h #29 05. - 07. November 10 Gleisdorf
with Mixteam
BIGLan 23. - 25. September 11
with Mixteam
nur48stunden #31 04. - 06. November 11 Gleisdorf
with TKA
nur48stunden #37 31.10. - 02. November 14 Gleisdorf
with Mixteam


Berechnen sie die ideale Flugbahn und den Landepunkt der HE bei sv_gravity "800", c4_timer "35", zum Zeitpunkt t = 13, damit sie die letzten beiden verbliebenen Gegner (Katakomben de_dust 2 -> Siehe Skizze) mit der Summe der Hit Points gleich 31 und dem Abstand von 2,3m sofort eliminieren. Der Strömungswiderstandskoeffizient der Granate beträge c = 0,41 bei einer Angriffsfläche von 10,2 cm². Brauchen sie ein Defuse Kit um die Runde für sich entscheiden zu können ?