45#Kopfkaputt  45xxx  id:  11203827
Name 45#Kopfkaputt
Shorthandle 45xxx
Registered since 17/04/17
Headquarters  Germany / Gelsenkirchen
Area/Region NRW
  1  Awards  
inactiv y0  and  luCkie
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inactiv y0 unlimited_barrage 1048 days
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Latest matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AIM Europe
wins   the crusaders  + 22 Sunday, 23/04/17 08:11
loss   ?  -7 Saturday, 22/04/17 06:29
loss   NIE WIEM, TY  -21 Saturday, 22/04/17 06:06
loss   iMOTION  -21 Friday, 21/04/17 08:46
loss   flyvpaaposen  -12 Monday, 17/04/17 15:38
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
wins   P3RF3CTIONSTS  + 29 Saturday, 22/04/17 08:07
loss   4FunClanV2  -20 Saturday, 22/04/17 06:54
loss   DoNotObey  -21 Monday, 17/04/17 15:50
loss   231313  -21 Monday, 17/04/17 10:03
wins   mY pro Gaming  + 27 Monday, 17/04/17 09:15