Team-ATS  Absent Torpid Souls  id:  6575685
Name Team-ATS
Shorthandle ATS
Registered since 31/01/12
Headquarters  Denmark
  2  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
wins   TOOMAH  + 36 Wednesday, 11/04/12 15:13 7
loss   ThePatents  -22 Wednesday, 11/04/12 14:22 9
loss   XAUB9R9R  -5 Wednesday, 11/04/12 13:42 2
loss   FINNland  -13 Monday, 09/04/12 15:28 3
wins   Ev5  + 40 Monday, 09/04/12 13:43 0
loss   SASAT BLJAD  -3 Monday, 09/04/12 10:51 3
draws   Friends of the Counter-Strike  + 10 Monday, 09/04/12 09:45 6
  Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Ladder
loss   HEAVEN  -3 Tuesday, 10/04/12 15:40 3
loss   snook  -3 Tuesday, 10/04/12 14:56 4
wins   Golden 0711 Warriors  + 33 Monday, 09/04/12 12:51 0