1on1 Allstars!  Mothership  id:  5895317
1on1 Allstars!\'s device is that the best 1on1 gamers are also able to play professionally in a team.

You like our team?

Or you just want to help supporting us?

You are welcome to join our subteam friends longe (No join pw!)

1on1 Allstars! is looking for:

- a teammanager, means someone who manages all our matches, cups and all events
- someone who is able to create a new logo for our team
- someone who is able to make a clanmovie
- someone who is able to make a hompage
- someone who would like to stream and/or cast our games.
- we never stop looking for real 1on1 pros who are able to play good in a team!

If you want to support our team on anyway please use the email adress to conact us.

[email protected]

Best regards,
Your Kailyou, 1on1 Allstars