Contacts & Buddies
locke  id: 2013371
Name --
Nick locke
Member since 31/08/06
Age / Gender 38 Years / male
Nationality  Colombia
Territory Germany
Main team
Homepage --
I fucked the law with the dick in my hand!
Level & Awards
  14 Awards  
Counter-Strike: Source
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Recent matches
  CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
win 5987553  +25 Tuesday, 29/05/12 17:00 5
  CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
win 5987553  +26 Tuesday, 29/05/12 16:25 5
loss jvasticae  -19 Tuesday, 03/01/12 13:28 7
  CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
win 5987553  +26 Tuesday, 29/05/12 16:00 6
loss 2655097  -2 Tuesday, 29/05/12 15:04 5
loss 2982000  -5 Friday, 25/05/12 08:08 5
loss inte  -14 Tuesday, 03/01/12 13:08 3
loss 3123867  -4 Tuesday, 03/01/12 12:48 4
loss (bye)  Wednesday, 21/12/11 13:42 4
loss 4307724  -11 Monday, 19/12/11 11:18 3
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