Contacts & Buddies
Simone 'SimoLeo' Leonardi  id: 2798700
Name Simone Leonardi
Nick SimoLeo
Member since 27/10/07
Age / Gender 35 Years / male
Nationality  Italy
Territory Italy
Main team VitaminaE's Friends
Homepage --
Former ESL Italy Volunteer Region Head - High Senior Admin
Level & Awards
  11 Awards  
Resistance 2
Blub Game
MSN Games
Show all game levels
  Staff   ESL Italy 
Clubs  public
Recent matches
loss Freezy  Tuesday, 29/11/16 18:00
loss Zusth  Tuesday, 29/11/16 17:30
win 5521908  Tuesday, 29/11/16 16:30
win Haron  Tuesday, 29/11/16 15:30
win Sn4psh0t  Tuesday, 29/11/16 14:30
win 10000841  Tuesday, 29/11/16 14:00
  Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
loss 10059959  -6 Thursday, 28/04/16 12:00
loss 10065980  -27 Monday, 25/04/16 09:05
  HaxBall 1on1 ESL Series
loss 6210156  -20 Friday, 26/04/13 16:00 4
  Testing Area 1on1 A-Series
loss 2465288  -20 Tuesday, 26/02/13 10:15
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