Contacts & Buddies
ENWYE  id: 4180739
Name --
Member since 06/06/09
Age / Gender - / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team EnRo Griffins mixxed CSGO
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  13 Awards  
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
loss 6773597  -13 Wednesday, 15/08/12 12:20 3
  OMGPOP Balloono 1on1 Ladder
loss ferox_mey  -7 Tuesday, 14/08/12 16:00 2
loss ferox_mey  -9 Tuesday, 07/08/12 09:00 3
loss next  -25 Tuesday, 07/08/12 08:55 2
  OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
win 3429983  +27 Tuesday, 07/08/12 09:20 6
  OMGPOP Booya 1on1 Ladder
win 7056672  +27 Tuesday, 07/08/12 09:05 2
loss Socksz  -21 Tuesday, 07/08/12 09:00 2
loss CAbiceps  -25 Monday, 06/08/12 21:00 2
  Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
loss 3980366  -16 Monday, 06/08/12 13:40 4
  Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 HG Cup #2
loss 5702573  0 Wednesday, 15/06/11 13:00 0
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