Contacts & Buddies
HanFix  id: 5360995
Name Adrian 
Nick HanFix
Member since 04/10/10
Age / Gender - / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Student
Main team --
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  1 Awards  
League of Legends
Recent matches
  FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder
draw 5190688  0 Monday, 12/05/14 17:31 1
win 6583900  +24 Monday, 12/05/14 17:09
loss alvezito  -5 Saturday, 10/05/14 20:09
loss xTc is loVe  -29 Saturday, 10/05/14 19:20 1
win MiKy  +17 Saturday, 10/05/14 18:20
draw 3425607  +5 Saturday, 10/05/14 13:42
draw 7598125  +16 Saturday, 10/05/14 13:17
loss 8061860  -13 Saturday, 10/05/14 12:55 1
loss 5443080  -30 Friday, 09/05/14 19:25
loss yeganer10  -17 Friday, 09/05/14 18:51
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