xmodus paradise   id:  2627822
Name xmodus paradise
Shorthandle xmodus
Registered since 26/07/07
Homepage http://www.syderia.de
IRC #syderia  (LandOLeet)
Headquarters  Germany / Lauda-Königshofen
born to walk against the Wind, born to hear our name
no matter, where we stand, we are alone...
  4  Awards  
IRC #syderia  (LandOLeet)
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Ladder
wins   Rodaun-Gaming  + 25 Wednesday, 04/05/11 13:34 2
wins   PingWarriors  + 41 Monday, 02/05/11 13:39 2
wins   e_sports  + 32 Friday, 29/04/11 19:21 2
loss   eurovision  -22 Tuesday, 29/03/11 13:28 3
wins   beschte wos gits  + 30 Saturday, 26/03/11 09:47 5
loss   Dual Fuss  -16 Monday, 21/03/11 17:13 2
loss   CreeP.2on2  -28 Monday, 21/03/11 16:11 3
wins   Sticken W.  + 31 Sunday, 20/03/11 11:29 7
loss   double agent  -5 Sunday, 20/03/11 10:23 4
wins   KINGSTYLE  + 26 Saturday, 19/03/11 21:03 3