Dennis 'ENS' Kramer  id: 5917156
[ Match Ratings ]
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PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
20.05.14 SPELLAN Detail
OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.09.13 7194189 Detail
27.09.13 2762633 Detail
26.09.13 7953032 Detail
26.09.13 7517968 Detail
24.09.13 5233571 Nice games. with more lucky u win that Detail
22.09.13 Woosh Detail
21.09.13 1956286 gg :) Detail
18.09.13 Staylox Detail
18.09.13 JustM Detail
13.09.13 Eastgamer Detail