Contacts & Buddies
HellraiZer  id: 4044209
Name Felix 
Nick HellraiZer
Member since 14/04/09
Age / Gender 31 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team H34DZO74U70M47 1on1
Homepage --
Leute kommen - Leute gehen.

in memory: QWERkop, AGGRO, ajvn, heiz <3 Leguan, playR, NEXZYI, sIck, BoB, Leon, flY  more...  
Level & Awards
  43 Awards  
CoD4 MW (PC)
ICQ Games
CoD:MW2 (PC)
Show all game levels
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Deathmatch Europe
win 2377007  -3 Tuesday, 02/12/14 15:00 4
loss HEIZ  -8 Tuesday, 20/08/13 17:30 3
win 2377007  -6 Wednesday, 07/08/13 13:15 4
  Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 1on1 Summer Special 2013
loss 2181324  0 Thursday, 05/09/13 15:00 1
win Czaja  +2 Wednesday, 04/09/13 15:00 3
win 1688169  +2 Thursday, 29/08/13 15:00 3
loss 2181324  0 Wednesday, 28/08/13 15:00 3
win 5160129  +2 Wednesday, 21/08/13 15:00 3
win cYb  +2 Wednesday, 14/08/13 15:00 4
win (bye)  Wednesday, 07/08/13 15:00 1
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