György 'f4c3m4n' Pék  id: 7744185

Edit Info
Hi, I'm f4c3m4n! I'm a semi-professional Ghost Recon Online player and the Executive Officer of team aGRO, Europe's leading Ghost Recon Online team. Also an amateur tennis player, part-time coach and a college student studying International Relations. My hobbies are sports, reading and collecting PC games-comics-figurines.

•1st place ESL Test Cup #2
•2nd place tCNC EU XIV.
•European League Div-1 6th Week Champion
•2nd place tCNC EU XIII.
•European League Div-1 6th Week Champion
•2nd place tCNC EU XIII.
•tactiLeague Diamond Division Champion Week 6
•1st place tCNC EU XII.
•tactiLeague Diamond Division Champion Week 5
•1st place tCNC EU XI.
•European League Div-1 5th Week 3rd place
•tactiLeague Diamond Division Champion Week 4
•1st place tCNC EU X.
•tactiLeague Diamond Division Champion Week 3
•1st place tCNC EU IX.
•European League Div-1 4th Week Champion
•tactiLeague Diamond Division Champion Week 2
•1st place tCNC EU VIII.
•tactiLeague Diamond Division Champion Week 1
•1st place tCNC EU VII.
•European League Div-1 3rd Week Champion
•1st place tCNC EU VI.
•European League Div-1 2nd Week Champion
•1st place tCNC EU V.
•European League Div-1 1st Week Champion
•1st place tCNC EU IV.
•European League Div-6 Test Week Champion
•1st place tCNC EU III.
•1st place tCNC EU II.
•1st place tCNC EU I.